
Behind the curtain – YODEZEEN

25 May 2020

Today our studio is celebrating the 10th anniversary. This is not too much and not a few, for someone it is just a matter of time, but for us it is the conscious experience devoted to YODEZEEN brand creation and development, just as it is known to thousands of people in the world. During these 10 years, we have learned a great deal, we have created more than 800 projects via residential and commercial real estate in 127 cities, we have gained a team and invaluable experience, partners and friends around the world. And today we want to share with you our history, thoughts and plans for the next decade.

We opened the ground at the age of 20.

When we have started, we had nothing: no contracts, no team, no office. We were just young guys — dreamers who wanted to create an outstanding design. 10 years passed, and we remained dreamers, but now we have a good base and history behind us. And looking back, we understand: dreams may come anywhere.

The first 2 projects that we have implemented: an arbor and an aviary.

We were coming to the site every second day, checked the measurements, arranged the bricks, rigged the fibers, visited the Paton factory to finalize the channel, thought through every connection. And just then we realized the essence of perfectionism and decided to make it the main principle of the studio. Perfection in everything, and we do not consent to the less.

In the 5th year of KNUCA we were almost mitten.

At that time, we were already actively pressing the studio forward and frankly bunked off. Without rhyme and reason, and, probably, still not fully understanding how well-connected we’ve become, we stopped the entire flow for 4 weeks. Of course, there was a scandal, we were taken to the decane, accrued the working off, successfully completed it, and passed all the exams without stopping the studio for a day.

We’re going to trust that the bumpy ride in the development of the studio has already passed.

It was a transition from a studio that is into anything to a studio that creates a good product. This transition was quite difficult and painful. We have been developing concepts for free for a very long time in order to attract potential customers and develop a portfolio. And all this time we were looking for “our” client, the one for whom we will create unique, high-quality design. Now are lucky, still we found him.

We implemented our first project in Miami for free.

We have never wanted to call the studio after our names.

We always intended to create a memorable, recognizable brand with a clear vision and idea. It is important for us that our team associates themselves with our brand, and that our customers and followers recognize the name of the studio by the quality of projects and the great design.

We are building a talented team, we are looking for “our” kind of people everywhere, we want the best; we understand that only having the best of the best in the team will, we be able to achieve any goals we set for the studio. Over the past 10 years we have managed to find such people, they grow and develop with us, building the brand of YODEZEEN.

At the beginning we attracted 80% of orders due to recommendations and only 20% due to brand development. Today, these numbers work exactly the opposite.

If you want to make a great project — just do it. Uncompromisingly. Greatness isn’t only about concept & design, but also about implementation. It’s difficult to find good partners who are the same nerds as you. But it is possible. Just look for your nerds.

Few people know that YODEZEEN project portfolio includes a museum one. The museum is located in St. Petersburg and is part of the Link of Times Foundation by Viktor Vekselberg, founded in the early 2000s.

Today we forge ahead architecture. Our best project has not yet been implemented, we haven’t yet done everything, we are at the very beginning of our journey. Creating an architectural team inside the YODEZEEN studio and being gung-ho about the global architectural market. Our ambition is to leave behind iconic architectural objects. Is this not the core task of the architect?!

We want to create hotels. We want to create unique, inimitable concepts for hospitality providers, boutique hotels or point investors around the world. All the lessons learned, the project portfolio and our vision allow us to state with confidence: we can create truly reference and sought-after projects in the field of commercial space.

We communicate personally with all the clients. This is an important principle of YODEZEEN studio. Moreover, we consider the desire of business owners to communicate directly with customers as an important professional orientation that determines the openness of business to the world. We show the inner of our brand to our customers like no one else, and it is very important for us to understand all our pros and cons, to get them firsthand; it is essential to convey our ideas directly to the client and, perhaps, even at some points, to convince him to join the bright side in terms of project quality.

During the last year we feel like we are passing a growth crisis. No, we are not afraid to grow, we are rather afraid to lose the quality. This is a new stage of development — how to grow and to improve the quality of ongoing projects at the same time. And we are working on this daily.

We are keen to the development sphere. We want to design and build unique projects via the countryside real estate market: with a new concept, the right strategy and the vision embodiment of a real house. Houses, where our clients will make families, start and continue traditions, plant trees and raise children.

The project should be created from a scratch. In a strict sense. Just take a blank sheet and start drawing. This is the only way our best ideas come to us.

Artur Sharf & Artem Zverev, the Co-founders of YODEZEEN

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